- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.6.8
- Integrate notification and email when creating new item in Page
- Hide unnecessary settings for Guest user group
- Hide all feeds of Song/Music Album/Playlist when setting "Can browse and view the music app?" is disabled
- Improvement for Core Global Search
- Replace text "track" to "song"
- Minor improvements for UX
- Fix bugs
Through Music app, you just don't make new acquaintances, you can also keep in touch with your friends. Music is a way that connects people more than words can do. Musicians can upload and share their songs and put them into albums and control the specific genre they are in. Your members can listen to these songs/albums and add them to their own profile.
Feature List
- All Songs
- Contain all songs which the viewer has permission to view
- Each song has title, created date, owner, genres, statistics of views and plays
- Owner can perform some actions on music as edit / delete / sponsor my song / sponsor in feed
- Moderators can perform some actions on music as edit / delete / sponsor / sponsor in feed / feature
- Moderators can use mass actions to feature / un-feature / delete some selected items
- Can play one song directly on this page as well as download it into computer
- 3 blocks: Featured Songs, Sponsored Songs, New Albums
- Can search songs by keyword, filter songs by some criteria
- My Songs
- Contain songs uploaded by this user
- User can see total his / her songs in main menu section
- Friends' Songs
- Contain all public songs of friends
- Song Detail
- Can perform some actions on the player as play / pause / adjust volume / view the duration of song / download / repeat song
- Can view description of song as well as the total plays/views
- Support AddThis to share the song with other networks
- Like / comment / share / report music
- Owner and moderators can manage song
- Block: Suggestion to suggest other songs which have the same genre with the current one
- Share Songs
- Can drag and drop to upload multiple songs at once. These songs do not belong to any album
- Can edit info of songs as name, description, genres, photo, privacy before submitting
- Can select multiple genres for song
- Integrate description with CKEditor, Emoji, Attachment, Hashtag
- All Albums
- Contain all albums which the viewer has permission to view
- Each song has title, created date, owner, published year and total plays/views
- Owner can perform some actions on music album as edit / delete / sponsor my album / sponsor in feed / upload new songs
- Moderators can perform some actions on music album as edit / delete / sponsor / sponsor in feed / feature / upload new songs
- Moderators can use mass actions to feature / un-feature / delete some selected items
- 3 blocks: Featured Albums, Sponsored Albums
- Can search albums by keyword, filter songs by some criteria
- My Albums
- Contain albums uploaded by this user
- User can see total his / her albums in main menu section
- Album Detail
- Can perform some actions on the player as play / pause / adjust volume / view the duration of song / download / repeat song
- Automatically play the next song if the current one is ended
- Can view description of albums as well as the total plays / views / published year
- Support AddThis to share the album with other networks
- Like / comment / share / report music
- Owner and moderators can manage album
- Create Album
- Fill in the album name, published year, description which integrates with CKEditor, Emoji, Attachment and Hashtag, photo, privacy
- After finish the general information, owner can upload songs into album
- Manage Album
- Can adjust the general information at Album Details tab
- Can upload new songs at Upload Songs tab
- Can manage songs of this album at Manage Songs at. At this page, owner can edit / download / delete each song
- Back End - Settings
- Configure to use pagination or load more in search page
- Configure to show/hide music which created in Page / Group into the All Songs / All Albums pages of Music app
- Configure SEO meta keywords and SEO meta description
- Back End - User Group Settings
- Configure all settings for each user group
- Back End - Manage Genres
- Can add, edit, delete, re-order genres
- Use global timestamp instead of having its own
- Configure the responsive size, number of item in each block
Installation Guide
Please follow below steps to install new phpFox Music app:
1 . Install the Music app from the store.
2 . Remove files no longer used (at Admin Panel > Maintenance > Remove files no longer used).
3 . Clear Cache
and Rebuild Core Theme
on your site.
Congratulation! You have completed installation process.
- Please visit our doc to get this information.